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A/C Woes

	Of course now that its hot here in the North East the first thing to break 
is the A/C. I turn the switch on and the fan comes on like it supposed to, 
but I noticed the compressor doesn't kick in. Center part isn't turning at 
all so apparently clutch is not doing its thing. I unplugged the connector 
and cleaned it. It was a little dirty, tried once again to cycle the a/c 
and still nothing from the compressor. Let it sit running to see if it 
would turn on and yet still nothing. I then wondered if perhaps it wasn't 
getting power, unplugged the connector on top again and checked it with my 
test light and there was nothing there on either prong. Should there be 
power here to tell the compressor the a/c has been turned on or no? I know 
very little about the heating or cooling of the car so I am pretty 
clueless, and that is why I asking the more knowledgeable folk to see if I 
can't get this thing working again. Any input is appreciated.
