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Northwest Scirocco news

Just an FYI, from now on I am going to be sending announcements
regarding Seattle Scirocco Techdays, Scirocco cruises, and meetings at
Petes Pizza to the NW Scirocco Events list (scirocco16v@listbot.com),
and if you aren't on it, you wont be getting those emails.  So, to sign
up, either visit



 http://www.scirocco16v.com/  (at the bottom of the page)

Signing up takes only 30 seconds, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

So, to repeat.  If you still want to be included in Northwest Scirocco
functions, join the list.  Otherwise you will no longer be getting email
from me.  I have email from some of you local scirocco.org listers, but
I have no clue if you are still around as you never respond to anything.
So, your last chance is *NOW*...

 Lime Green 79 
 ICQ #76283458

Email problems to: scirocco-l-probs@scirocco.org  To unsubscibe send
"unsubscribe scirocco-l" in the message to majordomo@scirocco.org