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RE: scirocco (maybe other vw's) phone book/directory

I agree, especially with this incredible hype of the internet, everyone
thinks they must be on it. It also attracts the bad element while attracting
the rest of the population. I have seen what kind of people it attracts; con
artists, crooks, thieves, and other wonderful people. The last thing I want
is to go out for a cigarette at 2-3am while coding or something, and see
some guy parting out my scirocco for me. I would be in jail for murder.
				Gary Huff

-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Teulie [mailto:IDougT@email.msn.com]
Sent: Monday, September 27, 1999 9:46 PM
To: Foxx (in a box); scirocco list
Subject: Re: scirocco (maybe other vw's) phone book/directory

OK, this is my thoughts on the topic.
It would be to our advantage to have a list that was set up by
districts. This way you could meet people in your area and sell
big items that you do not want to ship long distances. Lets face it, this is
an E-Mail list and for most of us it is better to exchange information
and not over the phone. If we all start giving out our addresses and phone
numbers it will make it easy for thieves to just stop by and take our cars
and parts. I know most of the list members in California and I have
been to several members homes.  It has not been a problem so far but
at some point it will become a problem to be so open and someone will get
in trouble. I have no problem with Shawn or Kevin knowing where I live
but I don't want the world to be able to find me with just a click.
I think we have a good start  on org now. The member list is not organized
by district and the details of our cars make it difficult to view the list
of members
quickly. I recommend a listing that is setup like this:

District: Southern California
Bob Driver
85 Scirocco MK2 VR6 Turbo.
75 Scirocco MK1 1.5 stock
Web site: Http://www.scirocco.org

Cuck Iverson
88 Scirocco MK2 16v
76 Golf

"Mad Max Thing"
85 Scirocco MK2 8v

Virtual World Parts
Mike Potter

District: Northern California

You get the Idea. This list will not only include list members but drivers
from all over that have E-Mail.
Some folks are no longer on the list because it takes too much time but they
would like to
go to events and keep in touch with the activities of the list and exchange
parts form time to time.
Well that is my recommendation.

87 16v silver Scirocco "GTX"
81 8v red Scirocco "S"
90 16v white Passat 2.0 WGN 5 Speed

-----Original Message-----
From: Foxx (in a box) <iraldly@otterbein.edu>
To: scirocco list <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Date: Saturday, September 25, 1999 7:45 PM
Subject: scirocco (maybe other vw's) phone book/directory

*** i am posting this as a service to those who still have yet to voice
and opinion. if you have already voted, please do NOT do so again. i'll
probably post this every other day until the 30th. sorry for the clutter
and inconvience. thanx. ***

  i was wondering if anyone would like the idea of throwing a phone book
or a directory together. i was thinking about scanning the maps of an
atlas in (i have the scanner and the atlas) and putting them up on my
web pages for y'all to download. then you could make a dot on the atlas
showing where you live. this'd 1) give everyone a general idea of who
was near who and 2) give each other means of contacting one another
other than via e-mail. if you'd be unwilling to show where you live, you
could also give your address, or even a phone number, city, and state.
even a list of the type of car you own. i'd make this available on my
web pages and also in a .pdf format. if you'd be willing to pay for
these, i could also get them print a bound for a good price (i work at a
print shop and can get 'em for below customer price, though they'd be
b&w) (there'd have to be about 100 or so of you, though).
  if you're interested in this, please do not flood the newsgroup with
replies. instead, i've set up an e-mail account where you can e-mail
your responses (for now all i need is a yes or a no). just click the
link below stating your opinion and click the send button to send it
away (you don't need to type anything in the body as i might not end up
reading the bodies, just the headers). i'll tally the results until the
end of the month and post my results. if this seems like a good
undertaking, then we're off. if not, how 'bout a list of simply e-mail
  if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me at my address
above. thanx.

-Name, address, dot on map, listing of vws owned, e-mail address

-Name, address, listing of vws owned, e-mail address

-Name, listing of vws, e-mail address

-No, bad idea

/\_/\   Foxx (in a box)
< o o >   http://members.tripod.com/~foxx/index.htm
  \ /   http://www.otterbein.edu/home/std/iraldly/index.htm

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