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Re: Scirocco at v_max - was : Porsche death in Toronto ...

>>> for those of you unfamiliar) at about 200 km/h.  Needless to say, he
>>> and his occupant were both pronounced dead at the scene.
>>> We all love speed, but there's a time and a place for it - and 
>>> roadways just aren't it.
>>Wow, that's heavy. If would even consider doing 200, I sure as hell
>>wouldn't do it in the Scirocco! Sorry guys, but I love my car, but at
>>200? EEP! When I get that thing up to 150 km/h, it starts shaking and
>>jumping all over the place!
>I have to disagree here.
>When I'm driving my Rocco on AB, I mostly drive about 200kmh
>( if traffic allows this ) and the handling is perfect.
>No shaking, extreme noise or insecure feeling and no unnecessary 
>I've driven with some Mercedes or BMW where the subjective feeling was 
much worse.
>( too soft suspension, you can't "feel" the street
>and the physical limits when your wheels begin to lose contact in 
>my wife likes driving the Roc at v_max (204kmh) too, because you don't 
feel the
>speed, the Scirocco just drives...
>If your  Scirocco starts shaking and jumping at 150km/h,
>you have a severe suspension problem - or roads that aren't made for 
this speed...
>drive safely :-)

I would agree with Dirk. Somthing is wrong with your scirocco if it 
starts shaking like that. I do not have the opportunity to drive as fast 
as Dirk, since I don't live in Germany. But I've driven full out in a 
Scirocco that did not shake or wobble. The car was smooth, very stable.

JSJackson '85 Scirocco, which does shake a little right now.

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