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Fwd: Can't find in Bentley [pass side moto mount]

It's a PITA job. There must have been a dozen "how to"s posted in the 
last two weeks alone, so if ya has not deleted all yer email, re-read 


>          I took my 85 rocco to the mechanic today to look at a few 
things and
>he said that the passenger side motor mount was pretty bad and that 
because of
>the extensive work to replace the mount that the job would set me back 
>$300. I offed that option immediately, and decided to go home and read 
up in
>my new Bentley on how this job is done; But I can't find anything on 
it! So if
>there is anybody that knows where it is at in my Bentley, or how to do 
the job
>thierselves, and would be willing to describe this to me I would 
>it. By the way I do plan on having all of these stupid little problems 
>soon so I will stop bothering you all with questions that have already 
>answered many, many times!
>																	Thanks!
>																	Jeff Eddy
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