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Re: motor mounts

If you get OEM mounts, get the ones that are designed for the Rabbit
Diesel, I;ve heard they are much tougher


On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Aaron wrote:

> OK, after investigating more closely, I've decided that I'll have to take
> the car to a VW service center to replace the motor mounts.  This is
> because I'm in school, this is my only car, and I just had a near-death
> experience with the front driver-side wheel nearly flying off the car at
> rush hour (somehow the rotor bolt holes became enlongated..odd).
> I took a look back through old emails to the list, and heard that the
> TechTonics mounts are better than the OEM ones?  Is this true? Or should I
> stick with original equipment?  
> Like I said, if there is are better mounts out there, I'll buy them in
> advance and give them to the VW servicers to install.. otherwise I'll have
> them order the OEM ones.
> Also, I have several hoses which have either hardend, or in some cases
> cracked (we had a few bruital seasons last couple years)... so I'm having
> them replace all the oil, water and vacuum hoses at the same time.  Is
> there anything I should be concerned about when this takes place. And/or
> any performance upgrades that would be wise to take care of now?
> Just a side note:  my A/C is in bad shape (creates vibrations when
> compressor is activated, and engine boggs down considerably.. possibly bad
> bearings).. and cold start is a hell (possibly warm-up regulator...  extra
> grounds didnt work)
> Thank you for any info.
> -Aaron
>  83 8V
>  http://www.personal.psu.edu/amb278 click 'scirocco'
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