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ok the fuel dis im using is out of a cis-lambda, i remember vaguely 
having to replace the lambda sensor on that rocco, anyways it has 
been sitting in my garage for about 2 years, it is injecting gasoline 
in all 4cyl plus cold start, not much but a trace. I got a tablespoon 
out of the 5th injector after cranking 5 times. the plate moves 
freely, everything was working prior to the swap, i have replaced the 
ciol with a better one (new plug wire style and also updated the cap 
and installed a new rotor.

my main problem here is the fuel being injected, its not suppose to 
be, someone suggested my o-rings in the dist prob dried up and are 
lettign the gasoline past, which is prob right, which really sucks.
so i guess its back to the teeny air flow plate. bah a whole day 
wasted. i guess a 16v distributor wouldnt work would it? it looks 
quite different. can this 8v large air plate fuel distributor be 

thanks for all your help guys


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