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door panels

I am sure other people have had this problem too.  My %#$@!! inner door panels (black vinyl) bubbled up during the summer.  I am assuming that this is because moisture got into the panel and the heat caused it to eat up the glue holding the vinyl to the panel.  So I have got big ass bubbles in the panel and it is finally getting on my nerves.  

I am going to pull the panels off and check the plastic sheet behind it to make sure it is taped down solid.  If it is, I won't know where the moisture came from, but I am assuming that the plastic sheet is the culprit.  Anyone have any personal testimony to the fact?  Did you fix the bubble?  Not sure how to go about it, but there has to be a way to refix the vinyl to the panel.  Otherwise I think I have to take them to a trim shop and have them professionally done.  


Does anyone have any super clean/mint--read, no bubbles, cuts-- they want to get rid of??


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