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FW: Magazine

ooooooooooo he talked me into buying the next one. Thanks,
Gary Huff

-----Original Message-----
From: VWTUNER VWTUNER [mailto:vwtuner@petersenpub.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 3:00 PM
To: ghuff@htech.com
Cc: hardind@petersenpub.com; laskya@petersenpub.com
Subject: Re: Magazine

      Date:  08/11/1999  11:00 am  (Wednesday)
        To:  "Gary Huff <ghuff@htech.com> at
        CC:  Hardin, Drew;  Lasky, Aaron
   Subject:  Re: Magazine


Thanks for the support. The next issue which goes on sale 10-26-99 will
have A1 & A2 cars as well as tech on a 'Rocco II. Be sure to tell a
about VWTuner "the water-only" magazine!

Michael Shartsis

>>> Gary Huff <ghuff@htech.com> at internet 8/11/99 10:03:00 AM >>>
Lover your magazine, keep up the good work. Just a smidge of
constructive criticism though. I think if you had more A1's and A2's it
would be better. A lot of us out there are A1 and A2 only fanatics.
Thanks, and again good work.
Gary Huff

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