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Re: ROARING SCirocco !!!!!

Etop Udoh wrote:

>   '82 Scirocco, 5 speed, air conditioning, etc....
> I have an '82 Scirocco which came back from the mechanic a while back
> sounding like a
> frieght train when it's cold or when you first start it....
>   scared the shit out of me when I first heard it, and then the mechanic
> actually said that that
> was the way the car was supposed to sound when it is cold....
>  it actually revs up to about 2500 rpms and sits there for 10 - 15 minutes
> roaring....
> the only thing that was replaced was the "Air bypass Valve" .....and again -
> according to the
> Mechanic....
>   I looked at it and couldn't find an adjustment screw or anything,
> especially since I know
> that car never sounded that way since I've had it....
>   The Mechanics name and address is available for those interested....

  |   Etop Udoh        |  Southern Polytechnic State University [89-##]  |
  |  P.O. Box 4234     |  Http://s_druid.home.mindspring.com             |
  | Marietta, Ga 30061 |           s_druid@mindspring.com                |
  |      "Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most"          |

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