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Re: corrado brakes

At 8:01 pm -0700 9/4/99, DaleWitt wrote:
>I did this conversion awhile back on my 86....everything bolts right
>up...easy install,
>have since changed out rotors for cross drilled.  BTW, Ryan has some pics
>up from
>Texas Hot Water Blast...check out www.clubh2o/gulfcoast/....nice 87 roc
>for sale.
>86 2.0 16v
>82 2.1 16v (Zender w/NOS)

That's one way to do it, the other way is to use the hub from a 10.1" car
and space the G60 caliper out with a custom bracket.  My 11s are done this
way, and so are Owen's, and AFAIK maybe one or two other ppl on the list
have done it like this too.  You can get these brackets and the hardware
you need from a few different places, but I'm going to take this
opportunity to plug my local tuner because he sells quality stuff at great
prices. :)   Alex, if you can't get the Corrado hubs, or if the hubs are
going to cost you more than $150US for the pair, give Shawn van Neer a call
at (604) 552-9707.

BTW, the thread about whether or not 11" front brakes were worth upgrading
to went around a month or two ago.  For Jason's (16V JASON, that is) sake,
I won't recapitulate all the arguments :).  Here's my impressions, now that
I've done the swap - brake feel is MUCH better!  Not only are they easier
to modulate, but the pedal starts engaging about an inch higher than it
used to.  I dunno about other 16v owners, but the low pedal in these cars
really bugged me.  Even after I bought a brand new ATE master cylinder
(call AAB, good price on these), SS lines etc, I was unhappy with how far I
had to push the pedal to get the brakes to work.  With the 11s, and the
same 22mm MC, the brakes start engaging within the first inch of travel and
the pedal is firmer than before.

I haven't seen a huge improvement in braking performance, although I
haven't really abused them yet.  That'll happen soon enough.  Until then,
I'll only say that they work at least as well as the 10.1s (duh).

Oh yeah, they look sweet.  To see some pics, check out this page on my car:

BTW, Dale, I don't suppose you and Ryan will be making it to Cincinnati on
the May 9th weekend?  Try to make it if you can... :)

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