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Re: Music for driving. (This is a small rehash of an old thread, delete if you don't want to read.)

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and for all of you retro/gothic fans, how about 
And Then There Was You by Bauhaus....

Grid & Stew

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Subject: Re: Music for driving.  (This is a small rehash of an old thread,
	delete if you don't want to read.)
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> Here are a few songs that make me drive fast:

> Starwars sound track<<<<<<<<<<  

Good choice :)  i used to have the 4 disc set, but some dickhead broke into
my car and stole all my cd's, and those went along with him.  i'm sure he's
glad he took them, a real hot item;)

good to see another star wars fan on the list, can't wait till may 99.

87 16v

> All of these songs of course are in my car.  It kicks ass.  Just the
touch of a switch and the changer will put my fast driving CD on!
> Pete

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