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Fwd: Help a scirocco owner!!!

Hey everybody can we help this guy!

In a message dated 97-03-31 08:47:46 EST, you write:

<< Subj:	Steve could you help?
 Date:	97-03-31 08:47:46 EST
 From:	gregory_polletta@mail.amsinc.com
 To:	MAINElyVW1@aol.com
   If you might be able to give me a hand with this I would really
   appreciate it. I need to find a kick ass mechanic in the DC or Fairfax VA
   area. Could you post this to your buliten board for me.
   Because I can't directly access this newsgroup please send me a response
   if you can help. I just don't want 1000's of e-mail comming to my work
   As the headder says, I have a 1988 VW Scirocco 16V with 114K miles. Just
   other day the oil temp guage started to act up, actually heat up. Checked
   water level, it was ok. Then began to hear a clicking by the timing belt
and a
    clicking by the idle stablizer valve. Noticed oil around the top seal and
    by the lower seal. Nothing drips from the car, but the block is soiled by
    oil. Pickup is OK, but not like it used to be.
   This car is in amazing condition except for this new problem. I am afraid
    it might be time for an engine job, but I do not know of anyone who is
   excellant in the DC or Fairfax VA area that I can trust. Seems that it is
   harder to find a great mechanic in this area than it is a decent harcut.
   I would really apreciate it if someone might be able to recomend someone
   the area so that I can assist with this problem. I kind of want to take
   of this, get moving on it, by this comming weekend. If you can assist,
   respond to the e-mail address in the headder or here:
   Thanks tons!
 ----------------------- Headers --------------------------------
 From gregory_polletta@mail.amsinc.com  Mon Mar 31 08:47:23 1997
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 To: MAINElyVW1@aol.com
 Subject: Steve could you help?

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