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Re: hesitation question

> I'm having a bit of problem with the rocco running after it sits a 
> bit after it's warmed up or if stopped in traffic.  It seems to buck 
> after shifting and then accelerating.  It will usually only do 
> this shifting to 2nd and 3rd, only noticed it once or twice 
> shifting into 4th, never going to 5th. Once it's going a bit it stops 
> doing that and runs fine.  It was worse before replacing the fuel 
> filter.  I thought I read somewhere there's a screen near the fuel 
> pump that could get clogged?  I've been running Chevron Supreme 
> almost exclusively in it, but thinking of dumping a can of Techron in 
> it anyway.  The idle and power seems no different than before, but ya 
> never know if theres something a wee bit clogged. It will 
> occaisionally stall at idle  but always fires back up right away.  If 
> you have any ideas I'd appreciate it.
> It's an 85 8V.  Just put new plugs in, checked cap and rotor (ok), 
> new fuel filter, air filter ok, all this done after the problem 
> surfaced.  Looked at the vacuum lines and electrical connections, 
> looks good.  It runs just as good as it did before the problem 
> surfaced a couple weeks ago, except it has that annoying bucking when 
> hot and sitting a bit.  I also noticed that when it bucks, if I take 
> the rpms up past maybe 5K that it will "drop out".  If I just take it 
> easy on it for a few minutes, then I can rev it to redline no 
> problem.
> We're planning to take it on a holiday drive to MN and maybe PA 
> before heading back home (WA) and while I've had no probs as long as
> it's running on the highway, I'd feel a bit more secure if I had this
> figured out and solved before we leave in 2 weeks.
> I'll be tinkering with it some more tomorrow, maybe someone has ideas 
> on what to look at?  Thanks for any help you can offer.
> Rick
> rsl@kendra.com
> Richard.Lackner@entex.com
> 85 Scirocco 8V  Wolfsburg
> Everett, WA

 my '82 Scirocco had the same exact problem.....
   solution:---> Loose spark plug wires...

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