Reiger bodied Mk1 Cabrio

Zender Z1 bodied

Old skool in such a great way...

Oettinger 16v motor in the white Zender

MK1 VR6 (says it all). Note 5 bolt hubs.

VR6 engine in aformentioned MK1, frame twist anyone?

The fattest Mk1 butt you'll ever see.

Start with a Reiger, continue to customize

Fully modded, part muscle car, Zender & customized.
Most of these next images bordered in this color came from Dirk Schneider's web site on Roadstar 2000. Roadstar is a totally awesome once per year gathering in Europe of mostly Scirocco owners. If you possibly have the means, I highly suggest attending. :-)
1977, Zender wing & louvers.

1976 body wrapped around a G60 engine

Mk1 Bieber Convertible conversion

Mk1 Bieber Convertible conversion

Black is mean, interesting grill spoiler

Interesting, see the duckbill spoiler & lights / grill.

16v, interesting lights & grill again

Same car (is this car black or purple?)

16v with dual sidedrafts, clean.