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In the Tradition of my long and pointless emails...

Ok... The dirtywater hotdog guy just did me in.  I am sure I have been

I was thinking that's AWESOME I didn't get lunch I am sitting in line
thinking how hungry I was and this was like Mana from Heaven.  That
hotdog certainly wasn't my proudest moment... the psuedo fat-guy in a
scirocco that couldn't pass the hotdog vender!



On 2/23/07, Chris Bennett <scirocco16vr32@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am bored, sitting at the Peace Arch Crossing with at least an hour
> to go.  I was trying to sneak up and back before anyone found out...
> LOL  But I am stuck in traffic at the crossing if anyone wants to be a
> sniper and put the list out of it's misery.
> My boss made me learn the words to Oh Canada.
> I made the HORRIBLE mistake on the way into Canada of saying I was
> there to work.  God I will never do that again.  I figured I would
> just get read the riot act but they broke out with the rubber gloves.
> Ok not really, but I had to do some tap dancing.
> Chris

80 Scirocco Callaway Indiana Red
87 Scirocco 16v Tornado Red
04 R32 Reflex Silver