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--- Phil Boeye <rocco_phil@yahoo.com> wrote:

> --- Daun Yeagley <vwdaun@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Anyone else want to head up the Cincy Camping list? 
> > (Oh,
> > and how many people want a room at the Ramada, now
> > Holiday
> > Inn, this year?  Do I need to try for a group rate?)
> How far is the Ramada?
> Not sure what the weather in Cincy is like in early
> June - give a clue (especially nighttime).

Ahhh yes, another Cincy virgin.  :p

Ramada / Holiday Inn is about 3 miles drive, at the I-71 /
U.S. 68 interchange.

The weather is generally pleasant in early June.  Highs in
the upper 60s to mid 70s, lows in the 50s.

If there's enough interest, I will check into the group
rate at the hotel.  The catch is, I'd like to have some
COMMITTMENTS from people before I do this this year,
because in years past I'll block 10-15 rooms and have 5
taken, which does NOT help us for getting better rates.

So far I've got one "put me down for a room" and another

Speak up everyone!

Daun Yeagley - Wilmington Ohio
'81 Scirocco S               '86 Scirocco 8v
'88 Scirocco 16v             '88 Scirocco Slegato 
'96 Passat GLX Wagon         '56 Cessna 172
The first rule of intelligent tinkering is to save all the parts - Ehrlich's Law.

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