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Introductions are in order

kuklaki <cristine@techography.com> wrote:     Thanks for the warm welcome! I feel all fuzzy inside now :D
I am, in fact, looking forward to bringing the "twins" out to Cincy this
year. I went to the 02 gathering and had a blast. This year....I'll be
able to keep up with the caravan :P

I felt all fuzzy inside too when I first came out and announced that I was an addict too. Cathy slapped my ass (electronically of course), Julie said I would "fit in" quite well with the rest of the crazies. I think I said something about gerbils and KY to which many took a : Please WTF is the new guy talking about???? While others just raised eyebrows and stare quizzically at their monitors. But Hell! I'm here with the rest of the "Maryland Card Holders" And I guess since I have not said it yet yet (and I should) Welcome!!! There will be days where the warm fuzzies will fizzle away and this list will be the only thing that will keep you from making cocktails in your garage, Of the Molotov type so that once and far all you get rid of the electrical gremlin that is plaguing your car.....Uh Oh a little bit of mirroring there.
  But yeah this list is great! Our cars have a mind of their own and this is the threshold of insanity. Anson? you have been quiet.....
  Neptuno, El T, Tony

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