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Oh Daun.....and what will they think of next...

 >>>> First, another nugget from yesterday, Daun, remeber those
 >>> "two Slegatos for
 >>> $1000" in the Triad up here in the spring? Well, the cars
 >>> are still for
 >>> sale (IIRC not exactly as the ad reads, really a Slegato
 >>> and an 8V)....I
 >>> have the number if anyone's interested.
 >Ok, we've GOT to pick up these cars.  We can resell the
 >plain 8v, but the Slegato has to find a good home.
 >Adam, you need this car.

   Oh, so THAT'S how we play it!?! Goad me into it indirectly, by using 
the list even! Outrageous!!!
   *Okay, so fill me in on the details....*

  /\_/\	  Foxx (in a box)
< o o >	  http://foxx.tripod.com
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