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WAS: Whatever - NOW: what matters aside from Sciroccos - BEER!

--- Edward Effinger <Eeffinger@conestogac.on.ca>

> There is good beer and better beer, no such thing as
> bad beer!

Mmmm.  You know, generally I would agree with you. 
However, I have had skunked out beer and that is
mighty bad.  But that is a case of compromised beer.

But the Yuengling I had the other night topped
everything.  The cap wasn't a normal pressfit.  It
looks like there was some weirdness in the sealing.  A
slight portion of the cap wasn't down around the top. 
Hard to explain, but it was mechanical - not sabotage.
 Anyhow, I think air might have gotten into the
bottle.  Whew - that was unbelievably bad.  I sat
there and thought, "am I tasting a beer *this* bad or
have my tastebuds just gone offtrack?".  Tasted like
1/4 of the normal alcohol content - very watery - and
very rusty.  I compare it to the cop drinking the beer
on "Dumb and Dumber".  Same expression.  I had to
throw her away.

I have sinned.

I shall go make recompense now - it's lunchtime!


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