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Re: How long to get to Cincy from Philly?

Yeah, the two-way radios made for a fun trip last year.  I think just
about every car had one once we hooked up with the PA/DE crew that
came from Rich Deede's house.  Channel 5, IIRC.

As far as meeting with MD people, I'm not sure I'll be in that group
as I'm planning to leave at around 3 or 4 am and I'm not sure that
many will want to do that.  I think Dan will be with me.  As far as my
driving habits and the trip:  I plan to keep it within 10 over.  A wee
bit more if the situation allows it.  Note to self: pick up radar
detector before then! (And don't forget the Team Scirocco hat to ward
off sun burn!)

Back to my plans: leaving early and packing all I need on the road. I only plan to stop for gas (if needed) and peeing (probably will be
needed).  Food and water will be packed.

On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 11:34:36 -0500, Jim Ruffi <sciroccos@earthlink.net> wrote:
That would be cool.  I'm hoping to meet up with a few people who aren't
crazies.  I used to be crazy, but I got a lot of tickets and paid a lot of
insurance.  I still like to go fast, but I'm older now and I'm ok doing 5-10
above the speed limit, a bit more in short bursts or if the mood hits....

I'm coming out of Central NJ...was planning to head out to I-95 and meet
whoever.  I'm bringing a pair of talkabouts.....

'86 red 16v (Red 5)

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