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Re: Let's all chip in!!

I'd also be in on this. Gotta find out what the 2L is really doing.

----- Original Message -----
From: "C Boyko" <roccit_53@scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca>
To: "Neptuno" <neptunonc@yahoo.com>
Cc: "Daun Yeagley" <vwdaun@yahoo.com>; "Scirocco list"
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: Let's all chip in!!

> It'd be cool, if we could get enough people interested, to get someone
> with a mobile dyno to come out to Cincy...
> Later,
> Mark.
> yes, I would be in on something like that.....I have always wanted to
> if over the years one or two of my 74 ponies have passed to better
> :^)
> El Tony

I'd be up for it too, pretty sure Klaus is making more than half his
younger sister's numbers, last check was 66.6hp for him, 133hp for the
other one.

So who in the area can set this up? Daun probably has enough on his plate
with what he already does for us. I'm sure it'd be cheap enough with the
number of us who'd want to roll our cars. Ben? Anson? Do it up...I'm in.

"It's not the result of when you get there, it's  everything that can
happen along the way" (some surfer dude on the Discovery Channel)

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