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Speaking of snow plowing ideas

> So we were joking around the airport last Sunday
> afternoon...
> I wonder how effective the (otherwise next to useless and
> quite rusty) '77 Scirocco would be for a snowplow?  Ya
> know, home brew a blade setup, mount some blizzaks, patch
> the floor enough so the seat doesn't fall through...?  The
> car still runs fine (or at least it did in June when I
> drove it to the barn, which is where it still sits.)  It's
> either this or becoming a permanent parts donor.  Besides,
> if nothing else it might make a funny video.
> Opinions?

   coincidentally, i was thinking about something along the same lines 
with my '85. i was considering a snow plow from a garden tractor that 
would somehow hook to the bumper and the control arm supports. never had 
the plow to try, though.

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