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TST is Home Safe from Cincy

First I would like to thank Daun and the familia for host another great


The Texas crew had a rather eventful trip up 


1)       Patrick washes his car at the first gas stop and the floor boards
are floating and it is running like ass. So he says just water in the cap
lets dry it out, 20 miles down the road it starts to stall. We pull over and
blow out the connectors and all is right, or so we think. (And who and the
hell washes there car 300 miles into a trip anyway).

2)       Well this one is mine after many comments on how my alt belt looks
loose and I keep saying it is good. When we stop to blow Patrick's out, we
started down the road again and no sooner than we got on the road "BLINK"
the charging light comes on. Well we pull over and so as shit my belt was
gone, "PHUCK" I say and off we go in search of a parts store in the middle
of Deliverance country. Well 20 miles down the road we find a parts store
and after working closely with the parts guy we finally found a belt that
would work and promptly replaced it in the parking lot and hit it one more

3)       After running through a rain storm Patrick's car starts acting up
again (I believe in Missouri somewhere) so we pull over and proceed to blow
more water from the connectors. And notice more water is on the pins, so I
ask for a Phillips to remove the ECU. Promptly after removing the ECU and
tipping it we found his problem, about 4 ozs. Of water in the ECU. Oops,
thanks goodness when we stopped for my belt (shame setting in) we got
dielectric grease and contact cleaner. And promptly resealed the ECU with
the dielectric grease after a good cleaning with the contact cleaner and
were off again. Also at this point Patrick informed us his exhaust was
broken again (slaps forehead).


Well we made it in Thursday and had a nice resbit bother the big day was
upon us, and then the fun began and what fun it was. Good people and good
cars, I would list everyone's name but that would take to much time and band
width. Just know this it was great to see everyone again and meet many for
the first time.


The trip home was very uneventful (yea right)


1)       Patrick blows the O2 sensors out in the first 200 miles, and it was
bailing wire to the rescue.

2)       Following Chuck, Kaitlin noticed a large gush from under his car.
So I promptly get on the radio and ask him if his AC is on, nope. So I tell
him what I see, so we agree that it should be investigated. We finally pull
off and have a look, I am watching it gush out I was like oh shit a gas
leak. Upon further inspection we found out the plug had come out of his
cooler and the water was running out the of the spare carrier, whew what a

3)       Well this one is nifty, after listening to Kaitlin complain about
her stomach hurting all day. Around 8pm we stop to eat, well she got 2 bites
into dinner and guess what, what goes down come right back up. Well we drove
another hour and called it a night outside of Little Rock.



I am glad Rich and Kristen are alright after the scare on Saturday night,
and I can't leave out the fact the Brian Haygood left Tyler Texas without
his bag of clothes. All in all it was a great time.


Thanks Daun for another great weekend and the Texas Crew looks forward to
next year.



Brian W.