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My bearing on bearings and wear limit questions

Again I succumb to the foul indecencies of petrochemical huffage.

More part cleaning, and nothing does as nicely for cleaning age old oil or
making sure cleaned parts are lubricated than gasoline. It also makes it
MUCH easier to cut down on smoking......and thinking......and

But newly unfilthed parts showed their deep dark past sins.

The GOOD news is that the diff bearings are aces! Nice bright shiny evenly
worn and spin w/o effort.

The BAD news is the pinion rod bearings (and races) show war wounds and
severe hazing over the contact surface in the races. Even some wear
evidence from needle bearing area on the pinion shaft itself!

Testament can be had @:


Same ol' same ol' there. Still huge, still stark.

K....opinion poll time!

SINCE these secrets have come to light and shown their true nature I feel
pretty good on saying the diff bearings are good (until I drill it and all
those itty bitty tiny infintisimal motes of free floating sandpaper from
drilling that you never seem to be able to blow out intermingle w/ the
tranny oil), BUT since the pinion bearings show a bit of wear, how
many of you think that replacing ALL of them (needle bearings) would be a
good idea?

Just fishin',


	A novice of the temple once approached the Chief Priest with a
	"Master, does Emacs have the Buddha nature?" the novice asked.
	The Chief Priest had been in the temple for many years and could be
relied upon to know these things.  He thought for several minutes before
	"I don't see why not.  It's got bloody well everything else."
	With that, the Chief Priest went to lunch.  The novice suddenly
achieved enlightenment, several years later.


His Master is kind,
Answering his FAQ quickly,
With thought and sarcasm.