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Facing a change in scirocco situation [long]

Joe Doty wrote:
> I think I'm getting old. 

Nothing wrong with that, it's what you want really. Consider the

> So now I'm temporarily putting the '88 into retirement and will be
> driving the '79 daily.  I'm not sure what's going to happen to it, but
> I'd like to swap it back to the crappy, always starting, always working,
> 30+ mpg getting, simple CIS.  It will be a mighty sweet reunion.  That
> being said, I have a new appreciation for well-maintenanced, near-stock
> cars.
> Joe Doty
> IT/Development
> joe@lcnetwork.com

OK, you had me scared for a minuet, I thought you were bailing on the
whole Roc thing altogether.

I like your thinking, the turbo (unless detuned) doesn't need to be a
daily driver, make i a weekend fun machine.

Put a NA two liter in the 79 and make it Roc Solid. 

Less really IS more after all.

High on the list of Best time in a Roc:

79 Champagne Edition with an 81 1.7 block (ya feel me?);

"Hey!, what kind of car IS that?..." from the local youths on a corner
of Jack London Square- 

The answer?  "Just a bucket..." 

Break out the cool sunglasses and tool around in the Mk1, it's
understatedness will lend itself to your mystique. It's contender
devouring mechanicals will hold up their end. It's reliability will
astound, even you, it's owner, on those Monday mornings you really
don't want to be at work on.
