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[Still OT] New Diesel (was: Quite OT: NYTimes.com Article: TV Ads Say S.U.V. Owners Support Terrorists)

Hi Brad and Dave;

     One thing we all should remember is that without diesel fuel our
country will wither up and die in a few months. I drive truck in the summer
time and 14.7 litres of Cat turbo diesel power delivers the goods. Almost
everything we use has been in a diesel powered truck at sometime. I drive my
1981 Turbo diesel Rabbit pickup and when the price of diesel rises much
above gas one thing is for sure it will soon be pretty much on par. We may
not get all the diesel cars we would like imported into this country but
there will still be diesel for those of us the drive diesel cars and trucks.
I was in England recently and the VW model I saw most frequently was the TDI
Passat. 25 % of the new cars sold in England today are diesels.
Brian Decker
1981 Rabbit turbo diesel pickup
1979 Scirocco
1980 Dasher diesel SW
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brad Sterling" <bgsterling@earthlink.net>
To: "Rabbit16v" <Rabbit16v@attbi.com>; "Scirocco List"
Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2003 10:08 AM
Subject: [Still OT] New Diesel (was: Quite OT: NYTimes.com Article: TV Ads
Say S.U.V. Owners Support Terrorists)

> <snip Dave>
> Actually, I don't mind paying extra for fuel and, for the most part, I
> believe our low costs are the result of the gas sucking vehicle we see on
> the roads now but if we were to get the cleaner diesel over here my point
> was that we would probably be paying considerably more for it.
> <end snip>
> Dave,
> You may be right, but time will tell.  US federal law will mandates a new,
> cleaner diesel standard by 2006 (like 15 ppm of sulfur compared to today's
> 300 ppm).  Stricter standards are on their way in 2009 that will bring us
> line with Europe.  I believe one of the arguments is that even if diesel
> were to cost the same or more than gas, you get more miles to the gallon.
> Therefore, cost per mile is still lower.  Again, I don't claim to know
> nuthin' 'bout no diesels, but this is what I've read.
> - Brad
> '86.5 Volkswagen Scirocco 16v
> '76 International Scout II