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Please re-cap: thanks :)

In a message dated 2/14/03 9:17:11 PM Eastern Standard Time, vwdaun@yahoo.com 

>  Waterfest is in New Jersey in July sometime.  I haven't
>  paid attention to the specific "when" because I'm not
>  going.  Too many brats in their A4 VWs, and I'm not wasting
>  what little vacation time I have that's not committed.
>  "Cincy" is the annual Scirocco-List party, that I host at
>  my house.  If there's one event you simply *need* to
>  attend, it's this one.  :)  The dates this year are June
>  6-8.

Thanks Daun and others who've responded with event details. Hmm, Cincinatti 
from Portland, OR in an '81 Scirocco diesel conversion... scary proposition, 
yet no doubt others have made the journey (believe I saw someone planning to 
come from Seattle, yes?) Well, given that it's in June I'll try my best to 
join you all!
