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The whole 1.8T puny injector debacle

On Fri, 14 Jun 2002 11:51:39 -0400 "Josh Able" <mkii@nycap.rr.com>
> I totally admit my car is running at max capacity, there isn't any 
> agreement about that.

No shit. No agreement there. huh?

> My issue is when people say it isn't possible to produce those 
> numbers, when  they say the dyno is faked, etc.

I never heard that. Scott was maybe busting your balls about it but he
and Brian clearly stated that running the injectors at their max would
lead to premature failure of the injectors and the math says they dont
flow enough for the numbers you claim on the dyno. Also the question was
that maybe you have larger injectors already in there? A simple part
number from the injectors could of taken care of this DAYS ago. Know
where the injectors are?

> There is no question that Im at the max, most people with this set 
> up run  less than 15 pounds of boost.

Thats probably much safer in the long run. You run 20psi 24/7?

> People aren't saying it "isn't safe" they are point blank calling 
> me, and  assorted 1.8t tuners liars.

No. I point blank called you a PUNK. Nobody called you a lair. I don't
feel that calling anyone a lair is the point of all this. Here, let me
break it down for you, simple like:
1) Verify the injectors
2) Verify what the tuners tell you. (IE, don't get ripped off.) 
3) Verify the dyno readings

Thats all we said. We question the results THEY told you. The bottom line
is, you don't want to do any of that, fine, don't, could care less. When
shit breaks, don't cry here, don't want to hear it. It was an opportunity
to for someone on the list to learn (Maybe even US, thanks for nothing.)
a thing or 2 as well as a great way for you to know exactly what's up
with your car. You choose to bury your head in the sand and ignore it
all, That's fine. You go boy. 

> It all boils down to the fact I don't wrench shit myself, that's where
> of the doubters get their jollies off by bashing a car that they 
> don't  understand themselves.

You don't wrench (Obviously) but you understand it all? RIGHT. Thanks for
the laugh dude! Have yourself a great weekend!! 

Shawn Méze
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