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OT but useful to list members/ SPAM???

Mike Blain wrote:
> Does anyone know an effective way to get rid of spammed messages? It
> seems like I spend a hour unsubscribing from messages, but then all they
> do is sell my name to 10 NEW spammers.
> So i get 100 spams per day at this point.  Im also using a Macintosh.
> Im sure others might be having the same problem.....and chjanging email
> is out of the question- this is an advertised business mail account.

I can not recommend strongly enough to avoid using MS Outlook.

The programming used in it has many virus and hacker loopholes, based
partly on the bells and whistles MS has placed in the application on
purpose. Like running viri even though you didn't open the email itself.

Better would be an email client like one of these:

Eudora has a three mode client: Paid (and enabled), Lite (but free) or
full featured but Sponsored mode.


Forte Agent - Better know for being a newsgroup reader but has email as

'Who are you!?!"   "I'm Batman!"
