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Why won't my fan sht off?

If the switch is working right (Aaaauuurrrrggghhhhh, see my earlier post) 
it is not uncommon for the fan to run for several minutes after you shut 
down. Sometimes it'll start up while you walk away!


At 05:36 PM 2/27/2002 -0700, Josh Hignight wrote:

>I've never paid attention, but do our cars have an after-run feature on 
>the fan? I know my 90 cabby did...
>Joshua Hignight
>Student Services/Technical Services
>New Mexico Campus
>(505) 821-4800
>-----Original Message-----
>From: HowlingMonkey16v@aol.com [mailto:HowlingMonkey16v@aol.com]
>Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 5:31 PM
>To: scirocco-l@scirocco.org
>Subject: Why won't my fan sht off?
>My stupid fan won't shut off after I stop the car. If teh fan turns off 
>while running itis fine, but if I turn it off whil running it won't stop 
>and I have to pull the relay to get it to stop. At first I thought it was 
>the relay and changed it three timre. Then I git frustrated and tried 
>testing for power at the fan connection with a test light. The switch 
>would stop putting out power after a little bit making it look like it 
>should shut off. So I thout maybe the Fan motor went funky and put a 
>Junkyard one in, but Still nothing.ARGHHHH!!! could it possible a bad fan 
>switch? i put a new low temp one in like 4k ago, but with the test light 
>it would cut power at the fan. WTF!! anyone with help let me know.
>87' 2.0L 16v Scirocco
>"Special Broke Ass Ghetto Edition"
>There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."