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CIS-E engine wiring harness removal

koabi wrote:
> Is cutting required?  I have everything out except for one bundle that
> goes back into the firewall near the fuse/relay panel area and there
> appear to be no plugs in between.  I really don't want to cut until I
> know that's what I have to do.

You may have to remove the small ones 1st to make room for the larger
plugs that come later & you may have to turn the connectors sideways but
no cutting should be required.

That doesn't mean the loom itself won't be wrapped one around the other
and need some splitting apart to get the thing out, and as much as I
don't want to say this need cutting one or two wires to separate one
part from another. (No cutting is required if you take an offending wire
from it's place in the connector, then you can untangle and plug it back
in- this takes a great deal of patience though.)

One example is when I pulled an ECU to upgrade Al's 78 from points to
electronic ignition. It's got one wire wrapped around the rest of the
loom so I snipped one wire to separate them from each other's grasp.
