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RE: Rocket Science/RPM's

i'd just like to say that i didn't make this, nor do i take credit for
it.  i found it on the net, i forgot where.  just so the person that DID
make this doesn't think i'm taking credit for it.  by the way, this is
extremely useful, you guys will really get a kick out of it.

86 16V scirocco

>From: 	Brian Honnold[SMTP:bhonnold@pac-cap.com]
>Sent: 	Tuesday, January 12, 1999 3:19 PM
>To: 	Scirocco List
>Subject: 	RE: Rocket Science/RPM's
><<File: speedometer~calculator.html>>
>According to the below mentioned calculator, my 78 was hurling along at 119
>MPH last night.
>God I love California Highways
>Thanks again Chris
>Brian Honnold
>'78 Rocco Ragtop
>On Tuesday, January 12, 1999 12:17 PM, Rich Zuk [SMTP:emt@imcnyc.com] wrote:
>> Chris Coracini gave me this speedo/rpm calculator.  Enjoy!
>> Rich

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