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Re: First Mk1

>I've seen 3 Mk1s in my entire life.. One I almost bought when I was 
>then one I own now... and one on a road trip to buy a front air dam for 
>Mk1... that was ironic.  There just aren't any here in Texas... *sniff* 

Poor Mk1's. They were so plentiful at one point. It's a damn shame they 
all rusted out.

My first once was a green '80, and on the night I blew the engine and 
considered the car totalled, I was riding on the interstate, and another 
identical green '79-'81 flew by me!

I think it's true what they say about "if you meet your double, you are 
about to die!"

'81 Scirocco (just hit 93k miles!)
'81 Scirocco (just over 81k miles, needs work - FOR SALE!)

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