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Re: Netherlands meeting


>Meeting is getting close, soon time to load the car with clothes
>and money to buy some nice German beer on the way.

and I have to load my car with your dashboard :-)
so you have to give me some of your beer as I can't 
load as much as I want to drink there  >:-))

>Dirk, have you heard any figures how many cars they think will
>come this year?

I don't know exactly, I guess a few hundred Sciroccos.

Can you remember the earlier Hohenroda meetings
with over 1000 Sciroccos ?
standing on the hotel balcony and seeing thousand
pairs of Scirocco-hazard lights flashing in the dark 
was just like being  in heaven !!

and IMHO the Scirocco traffic jam caused by hundreds of Sciroccos
( I filmed that those days)
would be worth to be put on the Video -footage.....

16.61 days until I'm in Roadstar,
we all count the seconds here :-)

See you there !
probably I'm wearing one of Shawns shirts  :-)
otherwise look for the "Nordbaden-Club" bungalow
( we have our flag in the window )  


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