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Re: tatoo'd

On Fri, 19 Dec 1997 21:17:26 EST HOT GTX <HOTGTX@aol.com> writes:
>Hey everyone,
>I'm thinking about getting a tatoo............................
>Drop me a line
>85 Scirocco GTX

There's your line dude. Your kinda weird, you know that....

Anyways, tats are kinda funny, you know. I love the idea of getting a tat
of my own. The major problem is, I have never found anything cool enough
to stamp it on my body for all times sake. The only thing that has come
close is my family crest and even that hasn't gotten my full attention to
do. I mean, you cant get more MEZE than having the family crest pasted on
my ass. Its all me but im probably not gonna get one.
So it comes to this, its gotta be your decision and remember that once
its on, its there forever. (Sure, there are lazer removal options later
on but if it comes to that then you should'nt of done it in the first
place, right?)
So, give it some serious thought about later in life and also think about
what it might look like in 10-20-30 years from now. I've seen some tats
that i've got no clue as to what they were and they've told me what it
was and I still cant see it...... Don't get me wrong here, I love tats!
Just cant make that lifelong commitment to one.
Just my wing-ding thoughts on it. 

              Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi           82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!
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